So, the general population seems to understand that cupcakes are “in” right now, meaning every week yields a new cupcake shop, flavor, or TV show. From DC’s Georgetown Cupcake or Baked and Wired, to New York’s Magnolia Bakery or Crumbs, the American public is experiencing cupcake overload! While Chicago has undergone a similar delicious infestation of cupcake shops, there’s one little, pristine “cupcake boutique” in Chicago’s Gold Coast named more, that’s doing the new “it” item a little differently and literally making people say, “more please!”
As I said on the Nightly Noms Twitter, I finally had the chance to sample a cupcake from more, a Chicago cupcake boutique owned by Patty Rothman. After attempting (and failing) to beat out a fierce crowd of Internet foodies to tag myself in a more facebook picture and earn a free cupcake, I decided to leave a comment on the photo. Just a quick “Oh! One MORE please!” Low and behold the next morning I had a facebook message from Ms. Rothman saying she had added my name to the list! Once again, thank you for your generosity!
I selected Saturday morning to make my way to more to pick up my “Cookies and Cream” cupcake; let me say, I was not disappointed. As you can see by the picture, more has a way with assembling aesthetically pleasing cupcakes. The mound of icing covered in delicate cookie crumbles was enough to catch my interest, but as I gently pealed the wrapper away I discovered that cookies were not mixed into the batter (like Georgetown Cupcake’s item of the same name), but rather more’s C’n’C sported a fluffy white cake with a cookie crumble bottom. I used my spoon to ensure that I had each component and took my first bite: delicious. The frosting was creamy, the cake was moist, and the crumble bottom had a soft chew to it, making the overall combination a perfect marriage of flavors and textures. Each bite left a new dimension of taste, which I believe was because of the contrast between the three dimensions of the cupcake. Also, if you’re in a rush and cannot eat your treat immediately, I’m quite positive that more’s C’n’C would taste awesome chilled too!
Overall, my first more cupcake was a delight (I’ve already managed to tag myself for this week to test out Chocolate Chocolate). The modern and chic Gold Coast neighborhood cupcake boutique offers both sweet (Crème Brulee) and savory flavors (foie gras and sour cherry), along with a “Happy Hour” of drink-inspired cupcakes (Mojito, Champagne, etc). more cupcakes are perfect for kids and adults craving a sweet, beautiful treat. Although prices range anywhere from $3.50-$6.00 for a large cupcake, more makes it possible for anyone to experience their flavors by using the facebook tagging process, which often occurs on Tuesdays (Monday around midnight). So start tagging, Chicagoans and visitors!
With catchy taglines like “eat MORE” “taste MORE” “love MORE,” all we can say is:
We want MORE!
Name: More Cupcakes
Meal: Anytime/Snack/Dessert
Location: Gold Coast (Downtown), Chicago
Address: 1 E. Delaware place Chicago, Illinois 60611
Price: $3.50-$6.00
Ordered: Cookies and Cream Cupcake
hi nightly noms, i know this is totally out of nowhere, but is there any way i can join you guys next year? i'm a rising soph at georgetown and i love baking, cooking, and food photography (and the majority of my blog is devoted to these things) i also love eating... anyways, i'd love to be a part of nightly noms if possible. let me know if there's any way i can help out!